Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My kitties are so cute

Lately it has been so cold here in Tucson. It snowed here the other night. Not by my house but out by where my husband works there was 8 -10 inches. Crazy. Well, my cats have been super cold so they have been bundling themselves in my knitting blankets (both in progress and finished).
Here is Corky. He is almost 5 years old, weighs 22 lbs. and he is 4 &1/2 ft. tall on his hind legs. He is so muscular that I swear he works out.

This is my baby girl Emma. She is from the same litter as Corky, yet she weighs just under 8 lbs. She is my cuddle buddy. I usually find her on my lap right when I am ready to start knitting. She helps me make sure I have good yarn tension.

This is Max. Granted he is not on one of my projects in this pic but I think he is super cute in it so I wanted to share it.



Quilty bird said...

Awwwww. They're so cute!!

Unknown said...

God, I love when they sleep on their faces. Super cute!