Greetings from Knit-a-long land. I have signed up to do a Mystery Shawl KAL which starts Feb 16th. I have ordered the yarn (which is very yummy and is my first experience w/ yarn porn!)and will pick up the needles this weekend. Also, I joined a Dishcloth KAL. We do 2 clothes a month. 1 is a theme one and 1 is a decorative pattern. I am 4 days into a 7 day pattern for my Feb. cloth. The pics follow. This --> : - P <--is for Jessie. (That is me sticking my tongue out) She was telling my the benefits of taking pics of your knitting in natural light verses inside w/ a flash. I thought she was full of it. But no as usual she was right I was wrong. (See the captions under the pics for the rest of the explanation)

This is on the side of the house on a concrete block walk-way. I didn't think the pattern would be very visible since I knit it in white and I couldn't see the screen on my digital camera while I took this photo b/c the sun was behind me reflecting off the camera. I was wrong.
This is a close-up. I'm pretty good at taking pics blind right?
This is facing the sun on the hood of my truck. Still not too bad.
This is the photo in my house on my "photo taking" chair w/ a flash. I suck Jess was right. I should always listen to everything she says. Maybe that is why she had me play Lemmings at her house all the time. She was training me!!!!
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