On Friday I took my dress to be altered, colored my hair (I do it myself), and started cleaning my house b/c Jess will be here on Wednesday. I can't wait to show her that my house is 1/2 the size of hers. I know that is nothing to brag about but she always laments that her house is small and it so isn't (she has a separate dining room for the love of God LOL!!!)
Andrea--Makes sure to ask her about it when she gets back and have fun watching Helix. You are so sweet to do that!!!
Also, on Friday I met my husband and some of his co-workers for dinner @ TGIFridays. It was pretty good. We had a nice time. It was relaxing, even though I never get to drink b/c I meet everyone at the restaurant so Len and I are always in separate cars. One day I'm going to make him take me there on a day off b/c they have a couple different Mojitos I'd like to try and also some different Sangrias....but I digress.
Saturday, I knit up the second cloth for Allysia, I gave her my mid-Feb dishcloth. I alternated the colors for the second one.. (I'll post the pics at the bottom) Then I went and got my haircut. (Which Len didn't even notice even though I had more than 3 inches cut off! He is still in hot water for that one)
I had to go to the party alone b/c Len had to work, and I was really nervous about it. Mainly b/c there was supposed to be like 40 people there and I was only going to know 5 people including Allysia and William. Also 2 of those people were supposed to be late so I was stressed out. Much like I was for Jess's Christmas party. (Thank God for Alicia b/c I just stayed in her group and then I could make comments to her and I knew she would know what I was talking about!) I know not to count on being paid attention to by the hosts b/c they are so busy attending to everyone. Well, it turns out that Allysia's mother Judy (Who was supposed to be late but got there before I did) was there, her sister Brenda, 4-5 people who I went to church with when I lived in Sierra Vista (which is how I know Allysia FYI),a girl I had gone to high school with named Nikki, and Shawn (Allysia's best friend) were all there. It made me feel a little better knowing a couple more people. There was so much food and after an hour and a 1/2 only about 12 people were there and Allysia was freaking out. Then more and more people started trickling in and she ended up with about 34 people. One of those people was Carol Milloy. That lady is a crazy riot. But she brought "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" on Nintendo DS and 15 of us sat around the table and racked up about 2.9 million dollars. (This was over 4 hours and so many times we left w/ Nada so it's actually pretty sad!) However for life we will all know that the brightest planet in the night sky is Venus. That questions was asked 5 different ways at least during the games. I ended up eating so much food that my stomach hurt. Judy made 2 different salads, chocolate cookies, peanut butter fudge, Mac and Cheese, baked beans, and punch. Shawn made a couple different Korean items. Something that looked like Sushi but was made of rice, veggies, beef and was wrapped in a seaweed wrap. She also made vegetable dumpling and some dipping sauces for both. There was also an assortment of cookies, brownies, cakes, potato salads, and hot dogs and hamburgers. I ate so many sides I couldn't even eat my burger. Finally 4 & 1/2 hours later Len showed up. He played Wii with William and the other guys and we played air hockey. We didn't end up leaving until 10:30 and I had gotten there at 3! Needless to say, I got to know a bunch more people and had a really good time. I also got several orders for more dishcloths. I think I should start selling them at craft fairs LOL! I could probably make a couple bucks each which wouldn't be too bad!
All right well, I need to stop rambling on and continue to clean my house. We also have to go grocery shopping. Albertson's is having an awesome 10 for 10 sale that I am stoked about. Then I need to finish mt shawl pattern for week 1 b/c I got week 2 yesterday. The second week only added 23 more rows but still. I don't want to get too far behind.

I really love your color combo! This dishcloth was so much fun, I just want to keep knitting more and more of them. Mine can be viewed (uploading soon) at my xanga: www.xanga.com/naeby
Those dishcloths look great! I told you you would have a good time at the party. :P
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