Wednesday I picked up my newly altered dress. Then I bought Len a mini rose bush. I don't know why I did it (meaning I didn't have a specific reason) I just wanted to.
Then I finished my mad dash of cleaning to be ready for Jess and Jacob. They arrived and now agree that my house is way smaller than theirs. We hung out, Jess answered my knitting questions and then we went out to eat. We went to Sweet Tomatoes. It was really good. We had a nice time talking and Jess and Jacob haven't seen Len since the wedding so it was nice for them to catch up.
Thursday was spent learning how to crochet. I know, I know. Crocheting isn't knitting but I had no choice. I needed to make some stars for a blanket and the knitted pattern I had just wasn't working. The crochet pattern gave me the perfect 5 pointed star I needed. Then I knit my shawl while watching Lost. Yeah, don't do that. I ended up frogging my clue back to my life line. (I will try it again later today). Lost has been so amazing. It is finally getting back to what it was in the first and second season. I couldn't be more wrapped up in a show (except maybe for American Idol!).
Friday I was sick. My stomach just wasn't behaving. I don't know why. All I really remember from the day was making egg salad and going out to eat w/ Len's co-workers. I didn't eat much but I went because I didn't want to let anyone down.
Then yesterday was the wedding. We had such a good time. Jen was beautiful.

We got there early and got dressed. Then we hung out in Jared's room while the bride did the pre-wedding photo shoot. Then we all traipsed down to the ceremony area. As soon as I started getting escorted by a groomsman to my seat I started crying.
--It was so emotional. The setting was beautiful, but I couldn't help thinking of Paula. She is Jessie, Jared (the groom) and Dani's mom. She passed away a little over a year ago. As the bride said during her speech "Paula would have LOVED this wedding."--
Then the ceremony started and the bridesmaid's processed to "Going to the Chapel" everyone laughed. It was so funny and sweet. The ceremony lasted between 5-10 min. Then we headed to the reception. There was music, dancing, crying, laughing and t-shirts. They couple had shirts made that say "Mr. & Mrs Fry Est. 03/01/08" on the front and the back says "I do. Jared and Jennifer Fry March 1, 2008 Francisco Grande Resort Casa Grande, AZ" I'll post a pic soon. We sat w/ Jess, Doug (Jess's dad), Grandma (Paula's mom), Mary Kay (Paula's best friend), and Mike (Doug's friend from work). The best part was the toast from the Best Man and Maid of Honor. The saddest part was when Jared danced w/ his grandma. Everyone at our table was sobbing (except Jess who refuses to cry) b/c we all knew he should be dancing w/ Paula. I hated knowing exactly how they felt seeing as how my Mom died before I got married as well, but it was nice that we could all support each other. Most of Paula's family was there and they are all great people it was nice to see them again (and meet the ones I hadn't yet.)
--Paula, we love you, miss you, and know that you were with all of us in spirit yesterday. Hope you enjoyed watching you son and new daughter. Say hi to my mom for me. Love, Eileen--
Any hoo, enough of my typing through tears. Jared and Jenn are the best and they are so good together. I love Jess's family and I'm so grateful that they have accepted me (even if not willingly at times LOL) into their lives. I will close with some random wedding photos and promise to back to knitting promptly.


1 comment:
So apparently the lady who made the cake didn't notice that the lego bride had huge plastic boobs, and put her on the cake backwards....
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