Friday, December 14, 2012

I am finally back

Hello to anyone who may still read this blog.  I know I have been gone for over 2 years, but I had good reason.  First, I decided to go back to school.  I just finished my last class on Wednesday and now have my associates degree in Psychology!!!  I am taking next semester off and hope to start at the University of Arizona in the fall.  Also, as my last post alluded, I have had some rather interesting health issues.  I seem to have most of them under control now.  Plus I had gotten a promotion at work so I was in training and was working an insane amount of hours.  Unfortunately, my hard work at American was for naught.  They decided to close our office and I got laid off in August.  All of this was a time suck and left me with zero time to knit and zero time to blog.

Well, I have missed both blogging and knitting so I have decided that I need to make time for the things in my life that make me happy.  The only thing I have attempted to knit in the past 2 years was my first Fair Isle project which was socks for my astronomy professor.  His name is Dr. Croft.  He is the most amazing person and a phenomenal teacher.  The socks have the moon (in phases) and sun and stars on them.  Here is the Ravelry link    They are super awesome.  The only problem is my first sock is way too tight.  I cant even get my hand from the cuff down to the heel.  This means that I will have to unravel the entire sock and make it again.  But I have periodically been working on the second sock (10 rows or so every six months LOL) and it seems to be much better. Currently I am in the process of getting all the knots out of my yarn.  I've been doing that for 2.5 days now, but I am almost done. I will post pics shortly.  Once I get the mess cleaned up I am going to knit for my best friend because she has been such a motivation and inspiration to me.  Love you Jessie!!

This blog is still going to be mostly about knitting but will also touch on issues in my life as they come up.  I am really glad to be back in the swing of things and hope to be able to write at least once a week. Thanks for reading this and stay tuned for 2013.  It is going to be an interesting year for sure!

Eileen aka Purlingkitty

1 comment:

Jessica said...

HAH. Yay blogging! :P