Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year = Big Changes

Well, it is New Year's Eve, and I am sitting here contemplating everything that happened this past year and I am blown away.  This time last year my life was completely different.

First, I was extremely ill.  I couldn't keep any food or liquids in my body for more than 5 min.  I ended up losing the healthy bacteria and had to rebuild most of my immune system. Then I got a sinus infection that lasted for 10 months.  I have also been having some heart issues.  I am hoping that I will be able to resolve many of my afflictions and can have a much healthier 2013.

Second, I had a job.  The company I worked for had filed bankruptcy, but if anyone had told me then that our office would be closed, my friends would no longer live here due to being forced to relocate, and I would be unemployed I would never have believed it.  Yet, here I sit, jobless.  Fortunately I have something in the works and I believe it will change my life in a billion ways, making everything from this last year worth it.  (Prayers and happy thoughts are appreciated and desired please) I will give details once things are more secure.

Third, I had a person in my life whom I believed was and would be everything to me.  The way I felt when I was with them was like nothing I had ever experienced.  My doctor even loved them because even though I don't have high blood pressure, it was even lower after I spent time with them.  We had the same sense of humor and adored silly jokes.  The cornier the better!  We were both extremely sensitive and had gone through many very similar experiences in our lives.  We bonded over so much.  I would have done (and did do) anything for them.  No task was too great, from listening to stories of woe to renovating their entire house, I offered and did it all.  You'd think there would be some appreciation for'd be wrong.  All I got was lies, betrayal, and humiliation.  I was then cast out due to my being upset with them for the lies.  None of it makes sense even now and I don't know where to go from here.  Most people say I should let go and move on, and I am in the process of that, but I need and want answers.  Am I going to get them? Probably not due to the fact that they are a liar, but I dedicated 3 years of my life to defending and adoring this person and putting up with so much crap.  I am hoping the universe will help supply me with the information I need so that I can protect myself better in the future.  I was completely blindsided, I can't let that ever happen again if I want to keep my sanity.  This is another thing I never saw coming and would have never believed.  I am just left to wonder for now, was any of it real for them or was I just a pawn they used and then tossed in the trash.

Fourth, I was in school.  I am not finished with everything, but I am done with Pima and just have to CLEP out of Algebra to get my Associates.  I will be applying to the University of Arizona this February and depending on my new job schedule, will start in the Fall.  I am nervous and excited and hope that I can afford to go (come on transfer scholarship!).

Lastly, I was not knitting.  It is very hard to knit when I am so tied up with school work and work work.  Yet I have decided I need to take the time.  I have missed it more than I realized and it is very relaxing and therapeutic for me.  I currently have something going on with the first joint on the middle finger of my left hand which makes things uncomfortable, but I am hoping I can work around that and not have to quit.  I am hoping it is not arthritis, but am worried that it is at the same time.  :-/  I will update once I know, but in the mean time I am persevering in making the socks for Jessie. :-)

So this is where I stand now.  On the precipice of all new adventures.  What will 2013 bring? I don't know.  I just need to keep my faith and believe that this journey will take me to where I belong.  Good things come to those who wait, and I've been waiting for quite awhile.  I just have a hunch that this will be the year of relishing in those good things! :-)

See ya next year!

Purling Kitty

Monday, December 24, 2012

Last Minute Christmas Knitting

So I am sitting here trying to knit some last minute dishcloths.  I am making a set of four each for two girls who bought me a case of Watermelon bubble gum. There are 5 pieces in each pack with a total of 18 packs in the case so I have lots of chewing to do.  I was so surprised and pleased with the gift, that I wanted to do something special for them.  For me, nothing is better than something hand knit.  The only downside is that it can be pricey which at the moment is a big issue for me.  Fortunately, I have a surplus of cotton yarn so that made the idea of dishcloths an easy one to make.  I found a free pattern of four on Ravelry.  I am knitting one group in a peach palate and one in a blue palate.  Otherwise they are identical so they don't fight over them.  The first three are awesome and knit up really well.  The fourth is a dewdrop pattern that just looks dreadful so I frogged that one and am getting ready to search for a final one to add.  I just have to try to find one that is about the same size so they all go together.

In other news, my brother is in town.  That isn't always the best news, but so far things are going pretty smoothly.  Last night we went to dinner at La Parilla Suiza then went to check out the lights at Winterhaven.  After words we got dessert at Pastiche and just spent some time telling jokes and relaxing.  Something is different about my brother, which I am liking, but I still can't figure out exactly what it is.  Tomorrow is going to be a day at home with a HoneyBaked Ham (I scrimped and saved for this luxury LOL) and then Wednesday my family will get together for an evening of cookies and hot chocolate.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and hopefully I can post again before the New Year.


Friday, December 14, 2012

I am finally back

Hello to anyone who may still read this blog.  I know I have been gone for over 2 years, but I had good reason.  First, I decided to go back to school.  I just finished my last class on Wednesday and now have my associates degree in Psychology!!!  I am taking next semester off and hope to start at the University of Arizona in the fall.  Also, as my last post alluded, I have had some rather interesting health issues.  I seem to have most of them under control now.  Plus I had gotten a promotion at work so I was in training and was working an insane amount of hours.  Unfortunately, my hard work at American was for naught.  They decided to close our office and I got laid off in August.  All of this was a time suck and left me with zero time to knit and zero time to blog.

Well, I have missed both blogging and knitting so I have decided that I need to make time for the things in my life that make me happy.  The only thing I have attempted to knit in the past 2 years was my first Fair Isle project which was socks for my astronomy professor.  His name is Dr. Croft.  He is the most amazing person and a phenomenal teacher.  The socks have the moon (in phases) and sun and stars on them.  Here is the Ravelry link    They are super awesome.  The only problem is my first sock is way too tight.  I cant even get my hand from the cuff down to the heel.  This means that I will have to unravel the entire sock and make it again.  But I have periodically been working on the second sock (10 rows or so every six months LOL) and it seems to be much better. Currently I am in the process of getting all the knots out of my yarn.  I've been doing that for 2.5 days now, but I am almost done. I will post pics shortly.  Once I get the mess cleaned up I am going to knit for my best friend because she has been such a motivation and inspiration to me.  Love you Jessie!!

This blog is still going to be mostly about knitting but will also touch on issues in my life as they come up.  I am really glad to be back in the swing of things and hope to be able to write at least once a week. Thanks for reading this and stay tuned for 2013.  It is going to be an interesting year for sure!

Eileen aka Purlingkitty