On the Baudelaire front I am finished. Not without tribulations (many as they were) but done none the less. I am going to try to do project details and haven't decided exactly how I want to lay it out so this may be rough until I figure it out but here goes.
Project: Baudelaire
Used: 1 and 3/4 (approx) skeins Knit Picks Essentials in Mermaid-an Aqua Blue. I also used two size 2 circular needles. --I first tried on one circ but the cable wasn't quite long enough to not have laddering issues so after 7 times of re-casting on the toes and trying to make it work I went and bought another circular.--
Details: Toe up. Pretty easy chart pattern to remember. Very clear instructions. I learned how to make mother and grandmother increases and how to move stitches to other needle while using two circs. Both courtesy of Cat Bordhi You Tube Videos. I didn't really do any modifications other than I used the magic cast on instead of the figure eight suggested. I liked it.
So there you go for now. If anyone has any suggestions on what to add to project details let me know.
I really hope Dana (my sister in law) likes these socks. My husband thinks she will so that's good.
Now on to some misc pics.

The above 3 are pics of my stepmothers Crusoe Socks. They didn't come out like I expected but I still think they are great. They are heavily modified so that is what inspired me to start doing project details. One is done and the second is on it's way. I will show them to you as soon as they are complete. (They are supposed to be done by midnight tonight to keep up with my schedule but I don't think I'll make it. Close maybe but not finished.)
Lastly I want to acknowledge my best friend Jessie's man Jacob. He helped my pick out my brand new camera. It is a Canon Power Shot SD 790 IS. It is a great little camera. As you can see it takes pics pretty well. Now all I need to do is get to Boston so the great photo master (again that would be Jacob) could help me learn how to do more then turn on zoom and click :) Thanks Jacob for answering all my crazy questions. I really appreciate it!
Well gotta go. I think this was enough posting to make up for most of a month lost.