div>Well, I didn't keep my promise. I'm usually better at doing things I promise than I have been lately. Time has just been zooming by so quickly that I sneeze and 3 weeks have gone by. It is nuts. So things at work have been going well. I've had a few encounters of the celebrity kind, though I'm not naming names b/c I think perhaps that is an invasion of privacy. I really like my job and hope that I'm not included in the future layoffs that will be happening over the next several months. So lets keep our fingers crossed.
On the knitting side, I have been knitting up a storm. I haven't taken pics of everything though I probably should have, but here is a sample of the things I have made recently.

Everyone together now!
Well, I am finishing up my other hand warmers. I have knit a couple other dishcloths, and need to get started on my friends baby blanket. Goodness, so much to do so little time. Here's hoping it's not forever until you hear from me again. Next time I'll tell you about my trip to the Desert Museum. It was a blast.
PS Go David Cook! I'm so glad you are the American Idol!!!!