Ok so I'm browsing other blogs seeing if anyone who has a knitting blog talks about anything else. When I came across an item that I want more than I want almost anything (except the Harmony interchangeables from knit picks I heart those mucho!)....It is the Stitch 'N Bitch Page a Day knitters calendar. I do realize that I can't knit an item a day but I want it anyways. I crave it, I desire it, I covet it. I want I want I want. Now I just have to find it......I'm assuming they put one out every year so I want future calendars too (for people who like buying me stuff that makes me happy :) )
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Because you refuse to stop eating.....
Well yesterday I went in to AA (American Airlines a.k.a. SWRO South Western Reservations Office, you will hear these acronyms a lot from me in the future). I was there to do my drug screening test. I filled out some paperwork and waited to go give my "sample". Well the nurse called me back had me sign my life away 20,000 times all on labels that go to the Qwest Lab, then took me in her office to "chat". She saw that I stated that I have back problems. (I was in a pretty major wreck in college.)
*****Before I go on with my story I feel I should apologize to Jess for my back problems b/c 2 years ago in Boston, I went with her to pick out glasses and we had been walking all day and I was in severe pain so I ended up going to Sharper Image or Brookstone or whatever and sat in a massage chair, while she shopped. I know I was getting whinny and that always pisses her off, but no one really knows the lengths of my injury and the pain I deal with on a daily basis. So I am apologizing b/c I haven't been up front with her b/c I want to traipse all over town w/ her and I should have explained in more detail why I walk slow or have to sit down so often. Sorry Jess I just hate when you look at me like I'm a wimp. LOL!!*******
OK so back to the story. I explained my Sciatic Nerve damage to the nurse and assured her it wouldn't affect my job. She said well, if you dropped the pounds you wouldn't have as much of a problem. I said "Well actually my old depression meds caused me to gain an exorbitant amount of weight in a very short time frame." She said "No, don't ever blame medication for your problems. You are fat because you refuse to stop eating. Nothing causes you to gain weight other than you refusal to sacrifice cookies." OK, 1) It is my medication it says so right on the bottle. 2) I guess people who don't know me and are seeing me for the first time see a gigantically obese person, 3) I'm amazed I'm not sobbing in shame--oh that's right I'm not b/c she is totally off base. I do watch what I eat and have been losing weight steadily. I can't believe the nerve people have. She is obviously not a doctor and she is at least 70+ (b/c her daughter went to high school with my Mom. Small world right?) and people of that generation have their minds made up and nothing you can do or say will change their minds.
I just smiled and nodded and answered her other questions and left. I know I'm not the skinniest person in the world but I have come to realize that I'm also not the biggest either (which is a major breakthrough for me). My only question is am I bigger than I think? I must be if she declared me fat. It's a good thing my depression meds work so well or I think I'd either still be lying in bed shielding the world from what must be my totally repulsive, lard roll covered body, or I'd be like "well if she wants to see a refusal to stop eating I'll show her" and would be shoveling in something non-stop. I am learning to not care so much what others think. Especially strangers but moments like this make it so hard.
I wanted this diatribe to be funny and yet I'm crying a little while I write this. I don't say that for sympathy but rather b/c if I'm not honest then you won't know the real me. I'm sorry for being such a "Downer Debbie" I just needed to get this off my chest.
Happier blogs to follow (hopefully),
Well yesterday I went in to AA (American Airlines a.k.a. SWRO South Western Reservations Office, you will hear these acronyms a lot from me in the future). I was there to do my drug screening test. I filled out some paperwork and waited to go give my "sample". Well the nurse called me back had me sign my life away 20,000 times all on labels that go to the Qwest Lab, then took me in her office to "chat". She saw that I stated that I have back problems. (I was in a pretty major wreck in college.)
*****Before I go on with my story I feel I should apologize to Jess for my back problems b/c 2 years ago in Boston, I went with her to pick out glasses and we had been walking all day and I was in severe pain so I ended up going to Sharper Image or Brookstone or whatever and sat in a massage chair, while she shopped. I know I was getting whinny and that always pisses her off, but no one really knows the lengths of my injury and the pain I deal with on a daily basis. So I am apologizing b/c I haven't been up front with her b/c I want to traipse all over town w/ her and I should have explained in more detail why I walk slow or have to sit down so often. Sorry Jess I just hate when you look at me like I'm a wimp. LOL!!*******
OK so back to the story. I explained my Sciatic Nerve damage to the nurse and assured her it wouldn't affect my job. She said well, if you dropped the pounds you wouldn't have as much of a problem. I said "Well actually my old depression meds caused me to gain an exorbitant amount of weight in a very short time frame." She said "No, don't ever blame medication for your problems. You are fat because you refuse to stop eating. Nothing causes you to gain weight other than you refusal to sacrifice cookies." OK, 1) It is my medication it says so right on the bottle. 2) I guess people who don't know me and are seeing me for the first time see a gigantically obese person, 3) I'm amazed I'm not sobbing in shame--oh that's right I'm not b/c she is totally off base. I do watch what I eat and have been losing weight steadily. I can't believe the nerve people have. She is obviously not a doctor and she is at least 70+ (b/c her daughter went to high school with my Mom. Small world right?) and people of that generation have their minds made up and nothing you can do or say will change their minds.
I just smiled and nodded and answered her other questions and left. I know I'm not the skinniest person in the world but I have come to realize that I'm also not the biggest either (which is a major breakthrough for me). My only question is am I bigger than I think? I must be if she declared me fat. It's a good thing my depression meds work so well or I think I'd either still be lying in bed shielding the world from what must be my totally repulsive, lard roll covered body, or I'd be like "well if she wants to see a refusal to stop eating I'll show her" and would be shoveling in something non-stop. I am learning to not care so much what others think. Especially strangers but moments like this make it so hard.
I wanted this diatribe to be funny and yet I'm crying a little while I write this. I don't say that for sympathy but rather b/c if I'm not honest then you won't know the real me. I'm sorry for being such a "Downer Debbie" I just needed to get this off my chest.
Happier blogs to follow (hopefully),
Monday, January 28, 2008
I got the job!!!!!
OK so this is my first post that has nothing to do with knitting. I have been offered a job as a Reservations Agent with American Airlines. I am so thrilled. I have always wanted to work at an airport or with an airline. So who knows maybe someday when you call American for a Domestic flight either to book or with questions, I might be the one to talk to you!!! I will work 4 8 hr days and then have 3 days off in a row. I am super excited. The cool thing about this job is I can take a job at an actual airport if I want to someday. (Though, I've heard I'd be crazy to do that but we'll see.) Well I have lots of City Codes to learn and I mean ALOT. So wish me luck, and I'll keep y'all posted with how things go.
Cable Blanket
Yea Yarn Stash
I love Jessie!!!!! She is the awesomest ever. Several months ago, she mailed me a box of leftover yarn to start me on my merry knitting way. Well, I didn't appreciate it then the way I do now. I know so much more about yarn and have bigger knitting dreams. Also, once I get my Ravelry invite I will have stuff to enter into my notebook. I have been talking about it too much lately. I just asked Len how many time I've mentioned "Ravelry.com" in the past 4 days and he said "1200 times". I keep trying to explain the benefits by comparing it to wood working which is his passion. I have so many WIP on my needles right now. I really need to get organized. Below are pics of yarn Jess gave me. One ball of which became unravelled, and my second made self-winded ball. I am becoming a pro at it. I finally understand the whole quarter turn thing. (It means the ball not the angle of the wrapping LOL!!!) Thanks a million Jessie you are my knitting (and everything else too) Goddess.
Also, I wanted to post a shout-out to Andrea. Good luck on your Thesis committee meeting. I hope all goes well for you.

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Charity Knitting
Hello. Well yesterday I went to my first Big Hearts with Helping Hands meet-up. It went well I think. They are more of a crochet group than knitting, b/c most of the girls are intimidated by knitting. I showed them a couple techniques such as SSK and PSSO. They made me feel like I was a knitting genius!!!! Hopefully I will be attempting some bunnys and chicks for them to give to families in need for Easter. I will keep you posted with the progress.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I am turning into a knitting snob
I can not even believe this, but I am becoming a knitting snob. I used to be fine with getting my knitting supplies i.e. needles, yarn, etc at Michael's. Don't get me wrong I still love Michael's, but their stuff for knitting is a little overpriced and there is not a good enough selection. I don't know where I am going to find my supplies now b/c yarn specialty stores can be pricey. I wish we had Hobby Lobby's here but we don't. My husband Len was with me and was watching me complain and was like wow your being picky and I said I know, I guess I'm becoming a snob. What ever am I to do? Suggestions would be great.
PS I proof-read this Blog to my husband and his suggestion is stop knitting. That is not going to happen. Only in his dreams LOL!!!!
PS I proof-read this Blog to my husband and his suggestion is stop knitting. That is not going to happen. Only in his dreams LOL!!!!
I have claws!!!
I am back. Sorry I was MIA yesterday, just a bit under the weather. I have claws but no felting. I need stuffing but have none. I didn't want to spend the time felting and have nothing to stuff it with. But, tomorrow is payday!!!! That means yarn for my blanket, stuffing for my lobster and possibly DPN's. I am so excited. Here are 2 pics of the claws b/c I couldn't pick which one to post.
Have a good one.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My lobster looks like a fish
Ok so here are the pics of my lobster in progress.
This is the body on the needles. It doesn't look like a lobster to me!!

This is the finished body. It looks more like a fish right now, but I'm sure stuffing will fix that.
No these are not a present my cat left behind....They are little lobster legs. 6 of them to be exact.
Tomorrow you will see claws and maybe a tirade about felting. I don't know for sure yet, b/c I have never attempted it before...felting that is.
Monday, January 21, 2008
I'm making a lobster!!!!!!!

I had to roll this ball of yarn to make a lobster Jess gave me for Christmas. I annoyed the hell out of her when I first opened it and asked her a whole bunch of questions on how to do certain parts. The funny thing is now that I have watched several Knitty Gritty episodes I understand a lot more of how to do the certain techniques. I decided to start on this project b/c I found my size 10 needles and so I can make this project while waiting for payday to continue my other blanket.
FYI: I'm not obsessed with lobsters or any other crustaceans. The reason I was given the lobster was to commemorate my trips to Boston where Jess lives. I thought it was a cute idea. Here is hoping I can make a cute lobster! This is my first attempt at felting, stuffing and sewing separate pieces together. Yes I have sewed panels together for blankets but I've never attached claws to a body before!!!!! Here is a picture of what the lobster is supposed to look like. It's a little blurry but you get the idea.

Sunday, January 20, 2008
My Heart is Broken
I just watched the Packers lose the game in over time. My heart is just crushed. They had some chances. I was screaming so loud when we almost got the turn over after the punt. We had 2 chances to regain possession. I just can't believe it. Well here's hoping the Giants kill the Patriots. (Sorry Jess:) ). I am at a loss for words right now. All that, and I ran out of yarn. No more knitting for me boo-hoo.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Almost out of Yarn : (
Well, today has been a rough day. I think I have been close to a migraine all day. My head is just not handling things today. So if this posting doesn't make sense sorry in advance. I am almost out of red yarn. I have been using it for the main portion and smaller parts for the sides of my blanket. Cash is low until payday on Friday so I may be soon finished knitting for the week. It makes me sad but what can you do? The only upside is that I am using a no dye lot yarn so I don't have to worry about matching. I love no dye lot b/c I am poor and can't always afford the several skeins it requires for some projects. Maybe after my new job starts things will be a little different.
Off to try and sleep,
Off to try and sleep,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Close to halfway
Well. I have finished 64 rows and have 90 more to go. Then I am going to attempt knitting some stars. Depending on how those go, perhaps I'll post some pics!!!
Not much more to report today. Short blogs happen!
Not much more to report today. Short blogs happen!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My husband is mean
Ok, so my husband was being mean this morning, he was making fun of my knitting. He said that his boss asked what I do all day since I am not working right now. He told her "Well, she gets up, knits, plays on the computer, knits, posts on her knitting blog, knits, watches knitting on tv, knits some more and then goes to bed." She said "Really?", and he told her "Yeah." I said, "I also read, watch other things on TV, play with my cats, run errands, cook and clean." He said "No all you do in knit, you need to get a real job." That really pissed me off. I have an interview for a job on Tuesday so he was joking but it still stung. I really enjoy knitting, and most of what I do is stuff his family requested. Maybe I knit alot but I also get alot done faster that way. I don't know what his problem is. When he isn't working he sleeps alot I don't give him crap about that so....whatever, and I knit on.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I want pot stickers
OK so this is not about knitting. I was watching Good Eats while knitting my blanket. Alton Brown (another introduction I can thank Jessie for!!!!) devoted an episode to won ton skins. The pot stickers look so good. My husband refuses to make them b/c they stick to the pan, but now he knows how to get them to release from the pan!!!! I sense homemade pot stickers in my future!!!!!! Yummy!
PS Len laughed at me when he got home and I was untangling my 9 balls of yarn for the umpteenth time today, but he is still impressed by how neat the product is coming out.
PS Len laughed at me when he got home and I was untangling my 9 balls of yarn for the umpteenth time today, but he is still impressed by how neat the product is coming out.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Nostalgic mood/ Socks R Scary!!
Hello. Well today is a weird day for me. My mom died 14 years ago today and I have been waxing nostalgic at my husband all day. He then left for work and I decided to start my next project. I am knitting a blanket for one of my other brothers-in-law Martin. It has many different colors and I am doing intarsia so I have 9 balls going at the same time. So I have a totally organized chaos going right now!!!!! It is so funny but I just finished a project using size 13 bamboo needles and am now using size 9 whalebone circulars and the needles feel so darn small. I have measured them 5 times to make sure they were really 9's. I don't yet own anything smaller than a 7 but they just feel so darn tiny!!!!!
While knitting I decided to watch Knitty Gritty on DIY. I watched the sock episode. I don't know how I am going to ever get up enough courage to knit a pair on my own. It looks so darn scary. All those needles going at the same time and then you just use 1 for a while and then 3 and it looked like even 4, so would I need a 5th needle? Thank God it will be a while before I break down and attempt......
Well, I guess that is all for now. I love you Mom, I miss you, and I think of you every day.
While knitting I decided to watch Knitty Gritty on DIY. I watched the sock episode. I don't know how I am going to ever get up enough courage to knit a pair on my own. It looks so darn scary. All those needles going at the same time and then you just use 1 for a while and then 3 and it looked like even 4, so would I need a 5th needle? Thank God it will be a while before I break down and attempt......
Well, I guess that is all for now. I love you Mom, I miss you, and I think of you every day.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Pics of my Projects
First Blog
Well, I figured I would use this blog to write about my knitting projects. To date I have knitted 2 baby blankets (for friends), 2 vintage shawls (for my Aunt and my brothers girlfriend), several washcloths (for my brother), a Texas Flag (for my brother-in-law), and a cable blanket (for myself!!!!). I learned knitting from my best friend Jessie. She will be a main star in this blog. Sorry in advance Jess!!!! Knitting has really helped me to relax and center myself when I am feeling stressed out. At first I thought my husband Len would think I was acting like an "old lady", but when he bought me a knitting bag for Christmas I knew he understood!!! When I am not talking about my knitting I will probably be talking about my crazy cats, Corky, Max, and Emma. They are my babies and I adore them. Well, I guess that is enough for one night.
Eileen AKA Purling Kitty
Eileen AKA Purling Kitty
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