Monday, February 25, 2013

The steering wheel did what????

So today was a crazy day.  I was planning on finishing the first sock on Jessie's second pair of socks. (See other post for image.)  However, as I was sitting down to lunch I get a call from Len asking me to pick him up.  I asked him why and he said that the steering wheel of his vehicle fell off while he was driving.  (Yes you read that right!!!)  So I got dressed and went to where he was and sure enough it is dangling by cords and touching the pedals on the floor!  I'll take a pic and post it soon.  This led to quite the adventure.

First I called one of his employees to see if we could borrow her suburban, then we drove across town picked it up and went to UHaul.  They had a trailer that tows it by 2 wheels, but they didn't have a ball for the trailer.  So we had to go to Walmart buy the extra parts and go back to Uhaul.  Then Len started hooking up the trailer.  Unfortunately, the pin was 1/4" too short, so we had to take a second trip to Walmart to exchange it.  Finally, we got the trailer connected and drove to where we had left the Cavalier.

Then came the fun part, we had to back the car out of the spot and pull the trailer in front of it.  We had to try to line up the ramps on the trailer with the car (all without a steering wheel!!!).  So once we had it lined up I stood by the drivers door and Len was at the back and we tried to push the car up the ramp.  We rocked it up and then let it come down and used the momentum to push it higher each time.  After 3 pushes we had it up.  Unfortunately, the tires were not lined up in the place holders so we had to roll the car off and then I ran after it holding the door trying to stop it.  We tried lining up again and ended up removing the trailer and lining it up for sure with the tires and then reattached the trailer and started pushing the car up again.  we thought we had it on the third try but we were not in the place holders so we did one more momentum heave and made it onto the trailer.  Then we attached the straps to the tires and pulled the car to our apartment.  Fortunately, we were only 1/2 a mile away.  Unfortunately, My strap wasn't attached correctly.  Len should have checked it better but I was so proud that I put it on the tire that he just went with it.  That was a bad idea because then the car rolled forward out of the place holder and over the front edge of the trailer.  OMG!!!!

Len was able to rock the car back in place and then set the trailer up so we could dismount the car.  We did this and now the car is diagonally "parked" in the parking lot.  Then we took the trailer back to Uhaul, returned the suburban and I took Len to work.  Now we are down to one vehicle and we don't know how we are going to straight park our car.  I am covered in grease and exhausted.  I'm so proud that I was able to help as much as I did and I hope that we will be able to come up with a solution for another car soon.

Now I need to rest more later,


PS I also finished my Clapotis!  I love it.  :-)  I will post another pic of it once I block it.

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